Abstracts of the 2018 International Symposium on HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases (ISHEID)


We are pleased to provide you with access to all the abstracts presented at ISHEID 2018. The understanding of HIV and hepatitis infections continues to grow rapidly, especially with respect to our ability to develop novel prevention and therapeutic strategies that will lead to the reduction of new infections. The burden of non-communicable diseases in people living with HIV predicates a multidisciplinary approach to the infection and the need for close interactions with specialists from other disciplines. Thank you to all the participants who have presented their work at ISHEID.

We are pleased to provide you with access to all the abstracts presented at ISHEID 2018. The understanding of HIV and hepatitis infections continues to grow rapidly, especially with respect to our ability to develop novel prevention and therapeutic strategies that will lead to the reduction of new infections. The burden of non-communicable diseases in people living with HIV predicates a multidisciplinary approach to the infection and the need for close interactions with specialists from other disciplines. Thank you to all the participants who have presented their work at ISHEID.

Article Category

HIV cure research

Article Type


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