Abstracts of the IAS 2016 Towards and HIV Cure Symposium


The goal of the symposium is to exchange and increase knowledge on the latest research towards remission or cure for HIV. The symposium programme provides a platform for broader discussion and interactive engagement on key topics in the HIV cure field through invited speaker presentations, abstract driven sessions, poster exhibition sessions, and roundtable discussions. On this occasion, the IAS also launched the IAS Global Scientific Strategy: Towards an HIV Cure 2016, which outlines the current basic, translational and clinical research priorities, whilst also focusing on social sciences, ethics and research in resource-limited settings.

The goal of the symposium is to exchange and increase knowledge on the latest research towards remission or cure for HIV. The symposium programme provides a platform for broader discussion and interactive engagement on key topics in the HIV cure field through invited speaker presentations, abstract driven sessions, poster exhibition sessions, and roundtable discussions. On this occasion, the IAS also launched the IAS Global Scientific Strategy: Towards an HIV Cure 2016, which outlines the current basic, translational and clinical research priorities, whilst also focusing on social sciences, ethics and research in resource-limited settings.

Article Category

HIV cure research

Article Type

Conference abstracts

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